You're going to be shipped out pretty one, and it will be a lot easier for both of us if you're asleep while you're on the move...
There may be a weird smell. Just relax and take some deep breaths...
That's right. Good girl. You may find it actually feels kinda nice...
Sweet dreams, pretty one...
I do believe you're under! Let's just deepen your anesthesia a little...
Haha you've got a little droopy there, Sleepy Girl! Let's lie you back a little - I'm dead meat if the goods die on my watch! There, that will keep your airway nice and clear and open. Now, let's get your system nicely saturated in anesthetic to make sure you stay asleep when you're shipped...
Well now, I think you're good to go, Sleepy Girl! But before you do I've got enough time to have a little fun with you...
Hi. Yeah it's me. She's ready to move. We'll ship her in the brown storage trunk. She'll be with you by 1600....