BBC executive Debbie has a secret she has never told anyone - she has an anesthesia fetish - she is aroused by being anesthetized. She had long thought that it would only happen in her fantasies, but then she heard about Anna List, who will put you to sleep for up to 8 hours - for a fee.
So Debbie books an appointment and takes the train from London to Yorkshire filled with a mixture of fear and apprehension. She will be putting her life in someone else's hands, but a lifelong desire will be fulfilled...

Debbie is ready to be put to sleep. She is both highly excited and terrified, but Anna's skilled hypnotic bedside manner soon calms her....

Debbie is caught in the stare of Anna's eyes and soothing voice, and becomes VERY relaxed...

Anna wants Debbie to have the full experience, so positions the anesthesia machine in full view so Debbie can see everything that's happening. Anna turns on the oxygen...

Anna turns on the nitrous oxide. Anna is going to ensure that Debbie glides only very slowly into full general anesthesia, to give her the maximum experience. To begin with, Debbie will breathe just a 50/50 mixture of oxygen and nitrous...

Anna releases the gas mixture into the rebreathing bag. Once partially filled, it will flow easily from there into Debbie's anesthesia mask.

Anna straps the anesthesia mask onto Debbie's face and ensures it is "gas-tight". We don't want any gas to escape into the room! An anesthesiologist needs to be wide awake - the patient's life is in your hands!

Anna releases the valve that allows gas to flow from the rebreathing bag into Debbie's mask...

Debbie starts to breathe the gas...

The first thing Debbie notices is the strong rubber smell of the traditional black mask and then the just-perceptible sweetish twang of nitrous...

Anna tells Debbie to take slow deep breaths. Debbie's inbreath draws gas from the rebreathing bag. Her outbreath, scrubbed free of carbon dioxide, refills the rebreathing bag, topped up with fresh gas from the machine's cylinders.

For the first few breaths, Debbie just continues to notice the sweetish rubber smell...

...but as the nitrous begins to be absorbed into her blood, Debbie starts to feel numb and floaty...

Debbie starts to feel very numb. A ringing sound is in her ears and she feels warm and distant..

Anna carefully monitors Debbie's progress. She can tell from Debbie's unfocused rolling eyes that the nitrous is now fully infused into Debbie's tissues...

Debbie is now as stoned as you can be on an oxygen/nitrous mixture...

Anna now turns on the vaporizer to introduce isoflurane into the gas mixture. Rather than a large dose to induce rapid anesthesia, Anna only introduces just enough to induce unconsciousness, so Debbie will remember the experience...

Debbie notices a new smell in the mask, like marker pens...

Debbie feels warm and tingly and becomes unable to move or speak. There's a loud ringing in her ears and feels like she's floating in the air. She knows she's passed the point of no return!

"Just relax, follow the light" says Anna. Debbie surrenders to the warm floaty sensations...

Debbie follows the light...

Debbie's last memory is floating up to become one with the light

Debbie enters stage 2 (struggle phase) anesthesia and begins to convulse slightly...

Debbie soon passes thru into stage 3 (full surgical) anesthesia. Anna feels her go limp...

We'll leave Debbie to sleep now until evening. Anna has caught the whole thing on video for Debbie to enjoy later as part of the package. I suspect that Debbie will be back for more, don't you?
Wants the female nurse to tell me to count backwards for her from 20
Wants two female nurses to put me under with anesthesia gas only stat
where can i get an old rubber rebreather bag from
I love being put under, preferably with nitrous oxide and Halothane.
Absolutely superb and exciting.