Following in the wake of Doreen came Anna List, a medical dominatrix from Yorkshire, England. Unlike Doreen, The Gasman and Put Under Bondage, we know exactly why she vanished from cyberspace - she decided to retire.
She marks a transition from the DVD world of Doreen to the subscription/live streaming format of Gas Nurse Jen. The great thing about her vids was the equipment! Genuine anesthesia machines that other post-Doreen vidmakers simply don't have. The plots though, the stories, were disappointing. All the sexiness was purely in the machines. Revisiting the lady-patient vids, there really wasn't a lot going on. Going through them, there was basically two "plots"such as they were - the consenting and the unconsenting patient. In "remastering" the vids into proper stories, I could only make two, by merging those several vids I have, to make those two separate plots.
I shall post these in the near future.