State Inspector Dorothy Black has made an unannounced visit to the hospital and found serious irregularities - a whole hospital wing that on official documents doesn't exist! This wing is of course run by The Sisterhood. Anesthesiologist Clara has to think on her feet. She decides that Dorothy musn't leave! Whilst Dorothy is arguing with a colleague, Clara connects an oxygen mask to the Nitrous Oxide cylinder, jumps Dorothy from behind a thrusts the mask on Dorothy's face. Caught by surprise and breathing heavily, Dorothy soon succumbs to the pure nitrous and lack of oxygen and passes out.
Rather than the awkward task of disposing of a body, the team decides instead to surgically modify Dorothy into one of their hypersexual slaves for sale...

After Dorothy has been given a stiff shot of Rohypnol to keep her sedated, Dorothy is taken to a private room where she is undressed and gowned for surgery, then wheeled to the OR. She comes round earlier than expected on the OR table...

Clara turns the Sevoflurane to maximum and puts the anesthesia mask on Dorothy's face. Dorothy struggles and turns her face away, but she's too sedated to put up much of a fight. Clara holds Dorothy's head still and presses the mask back firmly onto Dorothy's face...

Dorothy soon succumbs to the powerful anesthetic and loses consciousness. Clara deepens her anesthesia...

Fully anesthetized, Dorothy is intubated, then prepped for surgery...

After surgery, Dorothy is wheeled to a room to heal from her surgery, but she won't be allowed to wake up. She'll be kept in a coma during the healing process...

The problem is, stripped of her clothes and makeup, it turns out that Dorothy isn't very good-looking. Never mind, she'll just have to be sold at a bargain price or quietly disposed of later. Pulling some strings, The Sisterhood make it look like Dorothy drove away from the hospital and then her and her car disappeared. The disappearance will never be explained....