Hey everybody. I have been very busy in real life, and still am. However even if I never publish another post, I have still left you with the finest anesthesia fetish resource on the web right here! I have been prompted into writing this by the apparent vanishing without explanation of Reblog.me and the taking down of years of posting with it!!
Fortunately I have almost everything backed up. However doing it all again on another platform is a daunting prospect.
I have a dormant blog on BDSMLR that I started before settling on Reblog.me which you can see at https://putyoutosleepnowzzz.bdsmlr.com/ - since then BDSMLR has established itself as the #1 adult microblogging site, so if I repost all the Reblog.me material it will be on there. I may reactivate the dormant blog or I may start a new blog from scratch with just the best material. Or I may just "retire" - I've not decided yet!