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Writer's picturePervydyke

Nurse's Revenge

Nurses Fenne and Charlotte are sick of the way head nurse Isabella treats them. They decide they've had enough. Whilst Isabella is having her annual cardiogram, she suddenly finds an anesthesia mask thrust onto her face...

Everything seems normal so far Isabella...

Strange - I'm sure I can hear a hissing noise...

What themmmssssssssssMMMMMM!!ssssssssss

Nice to have this fat bitch at OUR mercy for a change!

No point fighting it fatguts! You're getting a nap!

She's going under now....

Two hours later....

She's starting to come round, get her on the oxygen...

Heart rate normal - for a fat bitch!

Isabella - ISABELLA??!! Hello?! You had a heart attack Isabella. We managed to resuscitate you. At least that's what we'll tell everyone. All this nonsense about being forcibly anesthetized is clearly an hallucination brought on by your arrest. By the way while you were under, we inserted a little implant that will trigger a REAL heart attack the next time you decide to be a bitch, so perhaps you'd like to be nicer from now on..

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