In October 2015, an office intern named Alice Lansing, an orphan from Wyoming with no family, walked into a New York bar to unwind after a stressful day. She was approached by a Goth Girl and they began a conversation. The Goth Girl, who introduced herself as "Brenda", bought her a drink and they talked some more. Alice's next memory is waking up in a forest 100 miles south of New York ONE YEAR LATER, still apparently dressed in the same clothes. She feels very weak and there seems to be muscle wastage but is otherwise apparently unharmed. Between these two events she has no memory at all.
Witnesses in the bar reported seeing both women in the bar and leaving together, Alice looking drunk. Neither women had been seen in the bar before. Both women then just simply vanished. "Brenda" has never been traced.
Unless she is found, only Brenda will ever know what happened in that lost year...